3rd – 7th October (4 nights) at Oakhill Caravan Park, Pound Land, Ashwick, Oakhill BA3 5BG and evenings next door at Ashwick & Oakhill Village Hall
OS Map ref: Caravan Park 183 ST 635478 Village Hall 183 ST 633476
Latitude: 51.2273 Longitude: -2.5236
Oakhill Caravan Park and the Village Hall
Stewards: Bernadette (07792 147828) with Alison (07941 880804) & Committee
Travelling South on A37 after passing through Gurney Slade turn left at Mendip Inn into Pound Lane. Follow lane for 0.3m until reach t-junc. turn right, then left, then right back into Pound Lane. Site is 200 yards on right.
Travelling north on A37 turn right at the Mendip Inn just south of Gurney Slade.
EHU available at extra cost
Booking essential